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Monday, June 17, 2013

For the love of...

Usually when I have created my own webpage or tab, one of the last things I debate to myself on whether to add to it and share with others

In this case and with my small business 'Ronniengirls', music has very little to do with crocheting and my end crafted projects but it has always inspired and given me comfort as well as helping to stir my imagination.

I thought this might have been a good place to place a musical or musically inspired illustration to visually help make my point ^ but most who read this will no doubt call upon their own sentimental musical memory.  For me, there are so this small single blog space just isn't enough.

So this morning while mentally wrestling on whether to keep the radio widget on this blog page >, I asked my husband opinion on it and he also agreed that having the widget might actually take away from the overall crocheting theme of this blog.  I don't expect a lot of viewer feedback on whether it adds or takes away from reading it or not, but any viewer comments will be welcomed, appreciated and considered if I do indeed receive any!

One other thing that has delighted and quite wonderfully helped to illustrate my a few of my feelings on certain things are some of the too cute baby expressions that I have found on the web.  I of course have no idea on who these small bundles of joy belong to, but thank you to the individuals, parents and of course the babies who help to make this world a happier place!
Mostly these days, I've noticed that I use these two main things...A!!!!! and these.. :D  They make me happier when I share on the web.  I have no idea on whether they irritate, help to get my feelings across or make no impression at all..but I <3 finding, meeting and sharing with like minded web users and I hope using these helps to illustrate that desire and intent to who ever views them. this is supposed to be a blog on 'My Thoughts on Rag Rugging', once I fulfill my promise to my youngest daughter to help her clean her room, I am looking forward to preparing more fabric for my dark Aqua, Browns, Blue and White Mod patterned rag rug!  If I have enough fabric after crafting the rag rug, I want to craft a matching pillow for it.  I have a good amount of fabric for the project and I'm excited to see just how big it's going to be. :D

Time to take another sip of java before venturing into my youngest for reading!

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